Back from Mallorca
What a shock!
I landed back in Zurich last Sunday night – and had a temperature shock. Coming back from sunny and Indian summer like weather in Mallorca, this definitely wasn’t easy to take. But let’s start at the beginning.
As a head coach of another fitnessholiday cross performance camp, I spent a week coaching in Peguera (Mallorca). What did that week look like? Lots of sweating, sunshine, crazy workouts, good food, laughter and some time to relax my mind in between all the training sessions. Because many of you asked about the WODs I’m happily sharing my favourites of the week with you today!
WODs I’d like to share with you
Every 10 min for 40’:
30/20 cal bike
30/20 cal row
30/20 cal burpees
30/20 cal ski/box jump over
Crossfit Beach TeamWOD
A) 4 rounds of 20m buddy carry -> buddy sled
B) Teams of 2 are working synchronised:
– 300 Mountain Climbers
– 200 Air Squats
– 100 Situps
– 50 Pushups
every 2 min: 2 burpees (each) fully in the water!
Functional Bodybuilding
Every 10 min for 40’:
30/20 cal bike
30/20 cal row
30/20 cal burpees
30/20 cal ski/box jump over
Crossfit Beach TeamWOD
A) 4 rounds of 20m buddy carry -> buddy sled
B) Teams of 2 are working synchronised:
– 300 Mountain Climbers
– 200 Air Squats
– 100 Situps
– 50 Pushups
every 2 min: 2 burpees (each) fully in the water!
Functional Bodybuilding
3 Sets for Warm Up:
6x KB Dual Overhead Carry
rest 30sec
12 Single Arm Ring Row Hold
rest 30sec
30sec Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold
rest 90-120sec
A1. Back Squat @ 31X1*;
4-6reps; rest 60 sec x 3
B1. Half kneeling DB Arnold Press @3112;
6-8/arm; rest 30 sec x 3
B2. Weighted Plank;
30sec hold; rest 90 sec x 3
3 Rounds – Not for Time
400/300m Bike/Row
20m Goblet Loaded Duck Walk
2 Hollow Body Wall Walks
14 Wall Facing Shoulder Taps
Here are a few more impressions from last week!
thank you
- Ellen: for being my partner in crime, caring about me and for being the strongest girl in the camp
- Recha: for capturing those shots of me at the box and for your Yoga sessions
- Claudia: for organising another successful camp in Mallorca and trusting me to be the head coach all those years
- Rob Martin, Silke & Janis: for having us at your gem of a box for another week
- Camp Participants: for all your incredible energy and the great team spirit
- Rest of the team: for making this camp happen and all your efforts
If you’d like to come to our next camp in Spring, check it out here and save the date already:
19.05.2019 until 26.05.2019
Much love,